Customer Service
Water System Customers are responsible for the water service line from the water meter to the house. PCWD is responsible for the water service line from the mainline in the street up to and including the water meter. If a pressure regulator is installed to adjust the water pressure on your property, the customer is responsible to perform periodic maintenance on this device. A PCWD Field Service Representative can assist you with adjusting your pressure regulator. If you suspect a break on PCWD’s side of the meter, please call the District immediately.
Upon termination of service or establishment of good credit, the security deposit shall be credited to your account.
Yes, you can pay your bill online here.
To sign up for your online account by telephone, call our Customer Service Department at (559) 439-2362 or e-mail jv.pcwd@gmail.com
Pinedale County Water District
480 W. Birch Ave.
Pinedale, CA 93650
Phone: (559) 439-2362
Fax: (559) 439-1309
Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm